วันศุกร์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Sustainable Organic Textiles

In this article I have decided to look behind some of the hype about organic textiles and their sustainability and find the materials which are truly sustainable and eco friendly. Global awareness of the real price of clothing is growing and consumers are pushing for more eco friendly apparel. There are more reported cases of people experiencing health problems such as rashes, allergies, respiratory problems and difficulties with focusing mentally due to chemical sensitivities and many have found organic clothing to be helpful in reducing exposure to the vast amount of toxic chemicals we are unknowingly exposed to on a daily basis.



Cotton is a wonderful fibre for making clothes but it is now recognized that conventionally grown cotton causes great harm both to the environment and to workers with its extensive use of pesticides and insecticides which cause ill health to people coming into contact with the chemicals and widespread pollution by soaking into water tables. Organic cotton is grown without chemicals and therefore does no harm to either environment or workers but is necessarily more labour intensive and furthermore fields must be free of chemicals for three years before the crop can be certified organic. There have been huge global increases in the demand for organic cotton and the problem now facing farmers is producing enough to meet the demand. LaRhea Pepper of Organic Exchange says" In order to encourage long term economically sustainable sources of organic fibre we need to be willing to discuss and implement models that acknowledge the value of the product from the farm gate and continuing right down the supply chain".


Hemp really does seem to be one of the good guys. It has many excellent properties being environmentally positive with no need of pesticides and insecticides it actually improves soil where it is grown. It is drought resistant and can be grown in most climates. Textiles can also be processed from the fibrous stalks without the use of toxic chemicals and because it does not require high technology to process it is ideal to be processed locally increasing local employment and saving transport costs and pollution. Hemp has been used to make clothing for thousands of years and it is in recent times that it has become controversial. Cannabis is produced from hemp and growing hemp in the United States is illegal but it is produced in Europe and Asia and is now legal in Canada. It would seem a great pity not to utilize this highly sustainable textile.


Bamboo is a material whose luxurious softness has been compared to cashmere. As a plant it is fast growing and highly sustainable and is mainly naturally organic. It does not require replanting after harvest but will regenerate from its vast root structure. Bamboo helps to improve soil quality and helps rebuild eroded soil.

There are two ways of manufacturing bamboo mechanically or chemically. The mechanical way involves crushing the woody parts of the plant and then using natural enzymes to break it down into a mush so that the natural fibres can be mechanically combed out and spun into yarn. Bamboo produced by this method is sometimes called 'bamboo linen'. However very little bamboo linen is manufactured for clothing because this method is labour intensive and costly. Bamboo fabric for clothing is mainly produced by chemical manufacturing which involves cooking the leaves and shoots in strong chemical solvents sodium hydroxide and carbon disulfide in a process called hydrolysis alkalization combined with bleaching. Both these chemicals have been linked to health problems. Low levels can cause tiredness, headaches and nerve damage. Carbon disulfide has been blamed for neural disorders in workers at rayon manufacturers. Because of health problems associated with this manufacturing method and damage to the environment it is considered neither sustainable nor environmentally supportable. The good news is that other newer manufacturing methods have been developed and are more benign and environmentally friendly. Bamboo fabrics can be produced without any chemical additives but ensure that it is eco certified look for Oeko-Tex, Soil Association, SKAL, KRAV or similar organic or sustainable certification body.


This fabric is renowned for its softness, comfort, luster and drape combined with wash ability and durability. It is more expensive than organic cotton or hemp at this time and is seen as a new luxury product. One of the positives being talked about is the fact that the cloth is produced from a by product of food manufacturing of the Soya bean. Some Soya has organic certification but it is a small percentage.

My research did not lead me to anything very positive about the growing of soy but I fully acknowledge that there may be additional facts that I did not discover. Soy has been very aggressively grown with GM seeds in Argentina which has embraced GM culture. Crops were treated with glyphosphate during the growing season and a mono culture developed as other crops were driven off both by low prices and contamination from soy farmers spraying. New weeds resistant to glyphosphate are now prolific and further chemicals namely gramoxone(paraquat) and gesaprim(atrazine) have been introduced prior to planting. These practices are causing damage to stock and plants in neighbouring farms.In less than decade soya farming has driven people off the land, created serious ecological and agronomic imbalances, destroyed food security and led to dependence on technology controlled by a handful of multi national companies. I would suggest that before buying Soya fabrics it would be wise to check its credentials and whether it is certified organic.

Sustainable Organic Textiles

If you want to hear more about organic cotton visit http://www.sonesuk.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Eco-Trendy Green Gift Ideas

The trend towards a green lifestyle is one we can all live with. The eco-trendy shopper this year will be shopping for not only the right gift, but for something that's earth friendly too. This year there are some new exciting green gift ideas for everybody on the green gift shopping list.

This year bamboo is one of the hot new innovative resources being used to make an amazing variety of earth friendly products that make great green gifts for everyone on your gift list this year. For instance textiles: you probably wouldn't think so, but did you know that bamboo is incredibly soft? In fact it's softer than cotton! Bamboo has a luxurious feel against the skin. Not only do bamboo textiles feel silky soft, they look great, with a luxurious quality to them, even after repeated washings, they remain softer than the finest cotton towels. Also keep your eyes out for bamboo kitchen utensil sets, cutting boards and even furniture for the house.


What to look for in an eco-friendly gift.

  1. Is the gift appropriate for the person?
  2. Does the gift reduce energy consumption?
  3. Can the gift be re-used again and again replacing a disposable item?
  4. Can the gift be recycled or is it made of recyclable products?

Reducing energy use is a big part of living the green lifestyle. Smart green gift ideas that help save energy are a welcome gift for home owners. The new The Delta Water Amplifying Shower Head revolutionizes the showering experience. The dual-setting shower head offering a water-saving comfort spray of 1.85 gallons per minute, and a high-volume spray. The water-saving comfort spray setting operates at 1.85 gallons per minute, but thanks to the amplifying technology, you don't think you're sacrificing performance because it feels like the standard 2.5 gallons per minute water saving shower head. So you save water and energy. Programmable thermostats are another example of a green gift that reduces energy consumption. They give homeowners complete and accurate temperature control of their living environment. Typically installing a programmable thermostat is actually rather easy, and it can result in reducing home energy heating and cooling costs by as much as 35% and that's a significant savings of energy.

Books featuring earth-conscious tips are a thoughtful eco-friendly gift ideas too. There are a whole bunch of great green living books out this year from how to tips, to doing an eco-friendly home remodel, to educational arts and crafts projects for kids using earth friendly items natural from the house and garden.

If you hunt around a little you can even find a whole new world of earth friendly toys for kids including idibids the new line of plush characters for kids and role play toys from Green Toys including a very cute tea set.

Solar power is the way of the future and today you can power your entire home on energy rays from the sun but hooking someone up with a full solar energy array would be a bit eccentric, however there are lots of cool solar powered gifts for the home and garden that make an ideal green gift choice. The other day I found a solar powered gnome holding a lantern that's perfect for the garden. And there's a solar powered pool cleaner that works better than chlorine, or how about the solar powered fluorescent shed light that installs literally anywhere you want light.

Organic body care products are a nice gift choice for him or for her. They say you care because they are free from potentially dangerous chemicals and synthetic fragrances. Organic body care products are the all natural healthy alternative to the popular off the shelf bottles of chemicals they package up and market to the general public. They are available in an endless variety of delightful scents which are appropriate for men and women alike.

It's good to be an eco-trendy shopper and give green this year! Check-out the links below for more information.

Eco-Trendy Green Gift Ideas

Brandon is author of the popular Best Gift Ideas top ten list web page, and is introducing his new eco-friendly green gift ideas guide to earth friendly gift giving, featuring hundreds of gifts for everyone on your list, and an interactive top ten eco-trendy gifts poll.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Batik Textiles Revisited

I've been having a love affair with exotic textiles for most of my life, or rather ever since I lived in the Far East as a young and impressionable woman in the mid 60's.  Malaysia to be precise.  And the textiles were the most exquisite batiks worn by the ordinary Malaysian women of the day.  At the time I only knew that I'd fallen in love with their marvellous prints, the variety of which seemed infinite.  The actual material was cotton and came in 2 x 1 metre lengths which were actually sewn to form a tube.  These were worn as simple sarongs with a blouse top.  But the two most striking things about these incredible materials were the strong colours and patterns.  These have stayed with me over all the intervening years.

In those years I managed to find a wonderful chain of shops in England named Anokkhi.  They sold wonderful and original prints from India.  The clothes were not cheap by any means, but much of the profits were ploughed back into the villages in India that produced such delightful clothing. The textiles themselves were made from the most sensual soft Indian cotton, sadly no longer available today due to the stringent Health and Safety regulations prevalent in the west.   They could not be fire proofed so sadly we now have to wear the more conventional fire proofed cotton.  But the wonderful original designs are still being used.  These are prints cut into wood blocks, some of which are several hundred years old. 


Imagine my surprise and delight when after living in Thailand for over two years I discover, of all places, a road-side night market selling the very same batiks of forty years ago.  To my delight they still came in the 2 x 1 metre lengths or tubes, and still in the most amazing patterns and colours.  I'd spent two of the last three years trying to find unusual or original patterns of Thai, Malay or Indian origin, but without success.  So to find my ancient batiks in this little market was nothing short of a miracle.  A little research and a few books later and the mystery and history of batiks was solved.  They did indeed originate in India, travelling to Indonesia around the 15th century with the migration of groups of Indian people southwards.

The colours and patterns are incredibly beautiful and are so vivid with their never ending dot patterns, many of which tell a story.  In ancient times certain patterns and colours could only be worn by Royalty or the very wealthy.  Today batiks are not made by the traditional wax and dye techniques, which were not only time consuming but very expensive, but are printed.  However, if you want a traditionally made batik then they can still be made to order, but at a cost of course. 

Sadly, my source of batiks here in Thailand never seems to have any one pattern the same.  Once in that shop I am totally mesmerised by the sheer volume of the different patterns and colours and invariably lose all sense of logic as I delve through these fantastic works of art.  When by chance I think I've found the same pattern, closer inspection shows a difference.  This is what makes batiks so wonderfully intriguing.  And the chances of anyone wearing the same batik clothes as you are very remote, so you can remain a unique dresser.

What an amazing legacy, my happiness is complete and I spend many happy hours designing and making clothes or decorating my beautiful Thai home with these amazing prints and colours.  My greatest delight now would be to share my discovery. 

Batik Textiles Revisited

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Plant-Based Textiles and the Green Movement

Plant-based textiles have been an integral part of clothing manufacturing for thousands of years, of course, but certain plants are finding new life as part of ecologically-conscious green clothing. Here is a little bit about plant-based textiles and what is being done now.

Cotton has long been the go-to textile thanks to its versatility and comfort. But what many people may not know is that Philippinos have been blending it for years with the fiber from the pineapple, called "pina." Pina is obtained from the plant's leaves and fiber and it is not known for its strength. However, its delicate nature makes it a natural to combine with silks, and many couture gowns are being made with pina now.


Hemp in a multitude of forms has been used in the manufacture of textiles for centuries, but it is presently enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Manila hemp, which is gleaned from the underside of banana tree bark is recognized and prized for being one of the strongest fibers in existence. Hemp textiles are extremely versatile and are used for everything from easy-care casual slacks to runway-ready fashions.

Soybean and corn are not plants that are usually associated with textiles, but they have become extremely popular members of the green clothing. Soybean fiber blended with cotton and other materials is notoriously soft and is a rising star in the production of infant and baby clothing; but soy and corn are strong enough to make adult shirts and outwear as well.

Those who are concerned about the environment can seek out green clothing that relies heavily on natural plant fibers. Many manufacturers take environmental responsibility a step further by recycling fabrics such as polyester into new and fashionable products.

The bottom line is: there are plenty of clothing choices we can make that will make a big difference to our planet's health.

Plant-Based Textiles and the Green Movement

ArcMate Manufacturing http://www.arcmate.com/ offers eco green clothing such as shirts, jackets, vests, as well as shopping bags, tote bags, purses and other products made from recycled materials. Billings Farnsworth is a freelance writer.

วันพุธที่ 1 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Medical Textiles are Growing by Leaps and Bounds

Medical Textiles is one of the most rapidly expanding sectors in the technical textile market. Medical Textiles are the products and constructions used for medical and biological applications and are used primarily for first aid, clinical and hygienic purposes. It consists of all those textile materials used in health and hygienic applications in both consumer and medical markets.

For Medical Textiles the main requirement of the textile material is bio-receptivity and bio-compatibility at the application site in human beings. Eg: antimicrobial sutures based on nylon and polypropylene mono filaments. Surgeons wear, wound dressings, bandages, artificial ligaments, sutures, artificial liver/kidney/lungs, nappies, sanitary towels, vascular grafts/heart valves, artificial joints/bones, eye contact lenses and artificial cornea and the like are some of the examples of medical textiles


Fibre Types used in Medical textiles for extracorporeal devices are as follows:

1. Hollow polyester fibre, hollow viscose used to create artificial kidney for removal of waste products from patient s blood.

2. Hollow viscose used to create artificial liver to separate and dispose of patients' plasma and supply fresh plasma.

3. Hollow polypropylene fiber, hollow silicone membrane as mechanical lung to remove carbon dioxide from patients' blood and supply fresh oxygen.

Asia being the chief producer and consumer of Technical Textiles. The consumption of Medical Textiles worldwide was 1.5 million tons in 2000 and is growing at an annual rate of 4.6%. The Indian market size of medical textiles was estimated to be INR 14.8 billion in 2003-04 and is expected to grow to INR 23.3 billion by 2007-08. Market is expected to grow by 8% p.a. Technical Textiles is the fastest growing branch of textile industries worldwide with bright prospects. The total global sale of Technical Textiles in 1995 was US bn. It is estimated to be US bn in 2005 and is expected to reach US6 bn by 2010.

Medical Textiles are Growing by Leaps and Bounds

Textile portal for weekly pricewatch and news. Click to check out samples YarnsandFibers.com Excellent database of prospective textile buyers and sellers, you also get the latest price trends and textile news from across the globe. Get your Free Membership today! Customized premium services are also available for serious businessmen.

วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Indian Textile Machinery Industry

Overview and Trends

Textile industry in India is considered as a pioneer industry, as India's industrializations in other fields have succeeded through the resources generated by textile industry. Though, from the early 1970s to the beginning of liberalization in 1992, the industry tended to be isolated as measures taken by the Government (with the apparent objective of protecting the cotton growers, the large labor force and the consumers) have constantly eroded its prosperity.


World over, the Indian textile industry is considered as the second largest industry. It has the biggest cotton acreage of 9 million hectares and is considered as the third largest producer of this fiber. In terms of staple fiber production it comes fourth and sixth for filament yarn production. The country reports about one fourth of global trade in cotton yarn.

With over 15 million people employment, the textile industry accounted for 20 percent of its industrial production. Covering textiles and garments, thirty percent of India's export comes from this sector, in terms of exports it is the largest contributors for the growth of Indian economy. In spite of high capital and power cost, the Indian textile and garment sector's strength comes from the availability of cotton, lower labor costs, well skilled supervisory staff and plentiful technical and managerial skills.

Although very few countries are endowed with such resources, today's globalization has brought new opportunities for the India textile industry. Concurrently, it is exposed to threats, particularly from cheap imported fabrics. Thus, India has to fight for her share in the international textile trade. Even if it is assumed that WTO will mean better distribution of the world trade, the benefits for India will not be any different than for the other developing countries. The Indian textile industry would, therefore, have to not only rely on its strengths but should also endeavor to remove its weakness.

India's apparel exporters, though, have been employing various strategies to make sure that they remain competitive in the liberalized trading environment of 2005 and beyond. Many manufacturers are taking action for improving production efficiency through advanced automation system, re-engineering of production systems, merging separate production units and backward and forward integration of operations and are keen to expand their production capacity in anticipation of enhanced demand in 2005 and beyond Among other manufacture are seeking changes through diversifying their product ranges, exporting high value apparel and improving their design capabilities and some of are planning to raise added value by setting up joint ventures with foreign firms, to take benefit of their technical, design and marketing proficiency. Others are making relationships with foreign buyers to increase their marketing capability.

Support has also arrived from the Indian government in the removal of restrictions on investment by large companies and foreign investors. The Government has also provided assistance to expand the infrastructure for exporters and has given incentives for techno-logical up-gradation. Though, most important restriction is the inflexibility in labor laws, which cause it hard for large firms to cut their workforces when require.

Textile industry in tenth plan

The Tenth Five Year Plan of India (2002-2007) forecasted a GDP growth rate of 8 percent for which an industrial growth of 10 percent is predicted.

The aim of the Tenth Plan is to facilitate the textile and apparel industry to:

. Develop world class state-of the-art production facility to accomplish and maintain a leading global position in production and export of textiles and clothing.

. Withstand demands of import penetration and uphold a dominant existence in the domestic market.

. To accomplish these aims heavy funds are needed in technology and modernization in critical areas particularly in spinning, weaving, knitting, finishing and apparel sectors.

. The technology up-gradation scheme (TUFS) introduced in 1999 intended to make investments component attractive. This scheme has been established to promote modernization and technology up-gradation in the specified sectors of textile and jute industries.

. The Government of India has also declared the National Textile Policy-2000 to expand a sound and vibrant textile industry. The objectives and plunged areas of the national textile policy cover technology up-gradation, enhancement of productivity, quality consciousness, product diversification and so on.

Schemes to strengthen investment in textiles during the Tenth Plan cover:

Rearranging spinning capacity

At present nearly 38 million spindles are already existed. About 10 million old spindles required to be scrapped, and another 15 million spindles to be modernized. Adding on, about 3 million new spindles have to be set up during the Tenth Plan period.


The decentralized power loom sector, which reported 68 percent share of the cloth in the country, is in very strong and immediate need of renovation. The textile package declared in the Central Government included renovation of the weaving sector with 2.50 lakhs semi-automatic/automatic shuttle looms and 50,000 shuttleless looms.


There are nearly 2324 precessing establishments in the country of which 83 belong to composite units, 165 to semi composite and others 2076 are self-governing processing houses. Among of 227 establishments are modern, 1775 are of medium technology and 322 are obsolete establishments. Reconstruction of finishing units will need a huge financial expenditure.

Schemes for expansion and development of the knitting sector, technical textiles, and woolen and jute industries are to be considered. The textile Engineering Industry is to be encouraged to modernize and offer state-of-the-art technology to the textile industry and through focused textile machinery R&D efforts, domestic reaches and development are to be initiated.

Growth in the textile machinery

Due to high investments on renovation of plant and machinery in the textile manufacturing industry, the manufacturing of textile machinery, their parts and accessories rose last fiscal by 25 percent to Rs 1,668 crore from Rs 1,341 crore in the previous fiscal.

According to the Textile Machinery Manufacturers' Association of India (TMMAI), the industry also witnessed its capacity of consumption at 55 percent during the year.

But, on the other hand the total projected demand of Rs 4,200 crore of the textile industry, a major contribution was satisfied through imports. This has identified for an urgent requirement on the part of both the user-textile industry and the textile engineering industry (TEI) to start a joint assessment to reverse this movement, said the outgoing Chairman of TMMAI, Sanjay Jayavartanavelu.

On the event of the 45th annual general meeting of Textile Machinery Manufacturers' Association of India, Jayavartanavelu said the surge in demand for textile machinery has initiated the TEI to make production capacity bigger to satisfy the increasing demand, particularly in the spinning machinery sector. The units in the industry were dynamic to step up production to cut down the delivery period.

This is regardless of the truth that they had to compete with longer delivery schedules from main machinery suppliers. In spite of this, the TEI should make an effort to satisfy the demand in volume/quality and performance with effective after sales service.

The TMMAI Chairman felt amendment in fiscal policy and elimination of hurdles being faced by the TEI required to be effected to make the indigenous textile machinery sector gain strength and scale up its technology and export competitiveness. The areas of fiscal modification needed are letting down the rate of excise duty on textile machinery from 16 percent to the merit rate of 8 percent, continuation of the relaxation in excise duty, which should be extended to inputs required for making of specified textile machines.

The intermediate products required in producing textile machinery as well as spares should be put at four percent excise duty subject to actual-user stipulation. At the same time, the present customs duty concessions on specified machines must be detached and one common rate of import duty of 10 per cent should be charged for all textile machines.

The TMMAI Chairman also emphasize the requirement for early creation of a Rs 2,500-crore development fund for TEI to facilitate the units to use on R&D, infrastructure building, export promotion and plans on environmental protection.

Recent developments in technology

In the international textile and clothing trade, the elimination of decades old quota system has thrown up new challenges as well as unlocks new prospects for the Indian textile industry.

According to the vision statement made by the ICMF for the textile sector, by 2010 the Indian textile industry has the potential to have the market size of worth of $ 85 billion from the present size of $ 36 billion. This development can be gained by the opening of new domestic as well as export segments. Textile export could arrive at $ 40 billions mark by 2010 from current 12 billion dollar level. Result on export side can be measured satisfactory during the last six months. For receiving the prospective business, the textile industry has to move towards value added products. The most value addition in textile segment is created by the apparel segment. Processing, fabric manufacturing and spinning segments in order to make quality apparels will require up-gradation

During last decade, there has been observed fast progress in machinery/technology. A concise representation of modern developments in a range of areas is given below.


Manufacturing facility in blowroom line has enhanced to 800 kg/hr with a prerequisite to work 3 mixings all together. To process broad range of cottons, the latest blowroom is provided with automatic bale opener with integrated mixer and cleaning systems. For the latest carding machine as a substitute of one licker-in, multiple licker-ins is built-in serially. And provide more stationary flats. For feed roll, doffer, web doffing, maintenance free digital drives are used. The whole card clothing can be separated with a less function of operation. For full flange of operation, a variety of systems like NEP control, flat control and waste control etc., are integrated.

For modern draw-frame machine, delivery speed up to 1000 mt/minute made possible with an alternative of automatic draft control mechanism which gives out requirement for gear change for controlling draft and delivery speed. In few machines separate deliveries can be restricted without help. Supplier also offers draw frame which can be connected to carding machine. It is stated that owing to digital autoleveller the precision measurement is in its height on an average one meter CV of sliver can be controlled below 0.4 percent.

Combers speed up to 400 nips/min is possible due to technological advancement. From latest comber up to 1.3 tones/day productions is achieved. Touch screens display system also provided with these machines. The display covers production data, process setting, machine parameters setting and fault message display. To save installation time many machines are provided with fully assembled in four modules.

Latest speed frame are offered in atomization system including all the operations. All the functional set ups can be fitted on electronic panel. Bobbin size 6" x 16" or 7" x 16" can be available. There is an availability of alternative of manual or auto doffing. Machines are provided upto 160 spindles capacity hence considerable saving in the operational cost possible.

In the latest ring spinning system winding geometries are further give to maximize result with less winding tension. Hence, superior draft up to 80 are received with higher spindle speed (above 20000 rpm). A number of other features of modern ring frames are adopted with inverter drive for spindles, independent spindle ring rail and drafting system drives, fast doffing system with no trailing ends. Ring frame up to 1344 spindles are provided. In presents rotor spinning system, diverse yarn can be spun in several part of the machine. It is feasible to get package of changeable density. All the technical factors and machine adjustment can be controlled by computer. In the latest rotor machine it is viable to make a package with 30% higher package density than old rotor machine.

In the latest winding machine path of ring cop from bottom to winding head is further developed. Hence, superior control of winding tension produces lower augmentation in hairiness. The adaptable knotting cycle combined with tailored acceleration dynamics facilitates to alter production system. The immediate controlled cylinder inverter and suction motor inverter are provided for energy conservation. Modern vortex spinning system is available to spin cotton yarn at a speed of 400 mt/min. The technology was previously applied for spinning synthetic blended yarn only.

The latest DREF spinning system can make numerous kinds of multi-component yarns. The drafting unit can manage all kinds of synthetic fibers such as aramid, preoxidised fiber, polyamide, phenol resin fibers and melamine fibers. The machine is able to perform with several cores. The manufacturing facility is achieved as high as 250 mtr/min and fineness of yarn can be from 0.5 to 25 nm.

The important aspects of modern weaving preparatory/ weaving machines are reviewed as under:

Machinery producers of both weaving preparatory and weaving machines have received gain in technological aspects to make fault free fabric for the garment sector. Nearly all the machines are provided with electronic control panels and micro-processors controls which monitors and control the machine utility to satisfy the fabric quality need and modification in design styles.

Maintenance of machine has turn out to be stress-free due to proficient lubrication system and improved machine design and substitution of mechanical tools with electronic control system. There is an obvious progress to resource the components and auxiliary equipment from the selected good manufacturers rather than making themselves, hence decreasing the cost of the machines. In latest rapier looms weft insertion rate ranges from 1200 - 1500 mt/min. Many looms are provided with weaving a broad range of fabrics. In many weaving machines weft insertion rate is achieved at higher and ranges from 1800-2500 mt/min.

Latest sizing machine is provided with uniform size pick up facility across the warp sheet and for least amount hairiness and loss in elongation. These are maintained by temperature control and moisture control devices. Squeeze pressure can be maintained by programmable controller to synchronize the compressing at all the speeds. Stretch monitoring instrument is imparted to control the stretch.


In recent times the quality requirements imposed on a knitting factory by its customer have become even more precise due to greater emphasis on the reproducibility in case of repeat order. Typically a modern knitting machine has following features as:

Automatic computation of fabric reduces speed, feeders per course, stitch/cm and elongation

Automatically managed thread infeed by inflowing the needed thread infeed per cm

Automatic management of height modification through computer

Automatic supervision of yarn infeed and yarn tension

Through user friendly software, computer helps to make the goods on the selected pattern


New generation processing machine incorporates microprocessor controls. Various process parameters can be programmed in microprocessor for strict adherence of processing conditions. Apart from good control, machines are also energy efficient and features are incorporated for the reduction of consumption of chemicals, water and steam etc. The developments are also taking place keeping environment requirement and eco-friendly processing while manufacturing the textile products and safer conditions for those involved in the manufacturing.

Process control or quality control

In the area of cotton testing, latest instruments are mostly available as High Volume Instruments (HVI) and are prepared with automatic sampling. They also evaluate short fiber content and maturity index values besides testing of length, strength and fineness parameters. It is stated that maturity values are fairly precise. Instruments are also provided with test color, trash neps and fluorescence values. Few suppliers are offering bale management systems.

For the manmade fibers and its connected instruments offered with the measurement in denier, tenacity, elongation and crimp properties. From the creel, robotic arm can carry the fiber samples automatically.

In the part yarn quality, latest evenness tester can measure, evenness, imperfection and intermittent errors at a greater speed. Many of them instruments are prepared to measure hairiness, diameter variation, shape, and dust as well as trash contents. Single thread strength testing machine are provided with a testing speed of 400 mt/min. The machine is prepared to take out 30000 tests per hour. It is noted that weaving operation of the yarn can be expected advanced with this machine. Some of the single thread strength machines are fitted with automatic yarn count determination device.

Yarn fault classification device has shifted to the winding machine from the laboratory. Data of entire yarn lot can be readable from the winding machines. Electronic check Board can perform the yarn grading, based on yarn output and observed by applying CCD camera and software to measure yarn report. Instrument can also offer fabric simulations if needed.

In fabric testing, automatic fabric inspection device can examine grey and single cotton dyed fabrics for all materials covering air bag fabrics and glass fiber fabrics. The imperfection can be recovered from their reports and images. In the area of process control and management ERP systems are establish which supply 3-tier solution covering the online data acquisition, offline data entry cum reporting device and intelligent business management device.


Today, Indian industry is extremely fragmented. In the organized spinning sector there are nearly 2300 players with 280 composite mills, There are 1000 weaving units and around 1,45,000 independent processing units and innumerable garment makers. The position of machinery technology is not well apart from the spinning sector. Nearly 100000 modern shuttleless looms are needed to set up and to satisfy the target by 2010. Processing sector will also require big amount of up-gradation. It is calculated that a total investment of 35 billion dollar might be needed to achieve the growth intended by ICMF.

Indian Textile Machinery Industry

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What Are Geo-Textiles?

Geo-Textiles can be defined as "a fabric or synthetic material placed between the soil and a pipe, gabion or retaining wall; to enhance water movement and retard soil movement and act as a blanket to add reinforcement and separation." These are generally made up of woven, nonwovens and knitted type of fabrics. Geo-Textiles also known as Industrial Textiles, High Performance Textiles, Engineered Textiles, Technical Textiles and Industrial Fabrics are specially designed and engineered structures that are generally used in processes /services of non textile industries. They are materials and products manufactured primarily for their technical and performance properties rather than for aesthetic and decorative characteristics.

These are generally made up of woven, non-wovens and knitted type of fabrics. Geo-Textiles are the largest group of geo-synthetics in terms of volume and are used in geo-technical engineering, heavy construction, building and pavement construction, hydro-geology, environment engineering. Technical Textiles is the fastest growing branch of textile industries worldwide with bright prospects. The total global sale of Technical Textiles in 1995 was US bn. It is estimated to be US bn in 2005 and is expected to reach US6 bn by 2010. Asia is the chief producer and consumer of Technical Textiles.


Uses of different types of Geo-Textiles are as follows:

Woven geo-textiles concrete bases used for coastal works, water ways, embankments and in forming geocell for road

Nonwoven geo-textiles used for Filtration, drainage, reinforcement between soil stone or aggregate and in roads, railways works, erosion prevention and separation. As filter fabric for dams, under drainage system liners for pile foundation, coated pvc and bitumen s to skin traction

Knitted geo-textiles used Knitted bags for protection of dam's riverbank etc. Warp knitted fabric of Kevlar yarns used in automobile and marine application.

It is also used with foundations, soil, rock, earth or any other related material as an integral part of human man made project, structure or system.

What Are Geo-Textiles?

YnFx Textile Trading Zone
YarnsandFibers.com is the largest textile portal online, trading in all types of yarns and fibers. Members from 10,000 companies over 150 countries. If you are surfing the net for potential suppliers of yarns then visit today. Get free trial membership and calls from prospective customers/sellers within days!!!

วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Mauritius Industries

There are many industries on the island of Mauritius. Some of the main industries in Mauritius are textiles, chemicals, food processing, tourism, metal products, non-electrical machinery and transport equipment.

It seems that textile has been one of the major industries in Mauritius for the past 30 years. The Chinese population of Mauritius is mainly responsible for the development of textile on the island. Hong Kong investors also play a major part in Mauritian textile development. There are hundreds of factories on the island of Mauritius. In these factories items are produced for brand names like Burberry, JCPenny and Giorgio Armani. Over the years, there has been an uprising in wages in Mauritius. This brings about more wealth on the island. Today, a textile/ garment laborer may be able to make about 150 dollars a month. This may not see like much to an American, but it is actually four or even five times more than Mauritius' surrounding countries.


The food processing industry in Mauritius is largely composed of sugar milling. The Sugar cane industry arrived in Mauritius in the year of 1639. There are so many sugar-cane fields in Mauritius. There is also now organic sugar production on the island. The Sugar Industry is facing a few setbacks at the moment. Sugar prices have decreased in the markets. In addition to price decrease, production cost has increased. This means people are not paying as much as they have been for sugar and the cost of production is much higher. There has also been a loss in sugar-cane crop territories, so there is not as much sugar being produced on the island. These problems can be solved. The Sugar-cane Industry in Mauritius may be able to survive this economic struggle and continue being a main industry of the island.

By visiting the island of Mauritius, you will get an idea of all the industries there. Who knows? You may even want to invest in one of the major industries of Mauritius.

Mauritius Industries

Adapted for Hotels In Mauritius

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Die Cutting Machines

Die cutting machines are used to convert sheet or web materials into desired shapes. These are used to process rubber sheets, non-woven textiles and woven cloth. Basically, there are two types of die cutting machines - rotary die cutters and clicker presses. Automated die cutting machines are used for cutting dies with precise and minimal tolerances.

Rotary die cutters, also known as roller press die cutters, are used in the high-speed processing of sheet and web material. The rotary die cutting machines press roller-shaped cutting dies against a web. Web materials are inserted into the rotating roller dies and then changed into desired shapes. Clicker presses employ manual conversion of web materials. This press consists of a wide plate or table with a smaller swing-arm head. For more difficult jobs, full head and traveling head machines are used. The cutting speed of the die cutting machine is controlled by an electronic inverter.


Top performance, high-speed, reliable cutting results and high precision are the essential advantages of a good die cutting machine. The machines are available in several sizes and shapes for various die cutting requirements. Most die cutting machines offer a lifetime warranty and are able to provide a maximum pressure of 10 to 20 tons. The new generation machines come with excellent efficiency and high precision. There are high-speed hydraulic die cutting machines that can make 15,000 to 25,000 cuts in eight hours.

Several common technologies are used by die cutting machines. Some of them are driven by pneumatic cylinders or air-powered. Some machines have hydraulic components. Low-cost devices such as manual presses are perfect for simple applications such as creating identification cards.

Die Cutting Machines

Die Cutting provides detailed information on Die Cutting, Die Cutting Equipment, Custom Die Cutting, Die Cutting Machines and more. Die Cutting is affiliated with Calibration Services.

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

A Brief History of Woollen Clothing

Given the importance of the textiles industry in the history of development for many countries, it's clear that this is an area that has had a big impact of many areas of our lives. We take a look at the history of the woollen clothing industry.

Wool has been available to use in the manufacture of clothing for centuries. Indeed, ever since sheep were first used as farm animals, it was clear that there was the possibility to make use of their coats.


Originally, wool would have been removed from the sheep by hand. This must have been a lengthy and labour intensive task.

The oldest known example of a woollen garment dates from around 1500BC and was preserved in a peat bog in Denmark, Northern Europe.

By the Iron Age, the introduction of shears would have made the process of extracting the wool much easier.

The Romans were well aware of the potential that wool offered and it became one of the three fundamental materials that were used to provide clothing for the populace (the other two being leather and linen).

It was during the Roman area that it is believed that people first started to take real notice of the different qualities of wool that could be found on different breeds of sheep and goats.

Indeed, the region of Tarentum became famed for its high quality products, largely as a result of the specific breeding of sheep that produced the finest quality woollen products.

Over the intervening centuries, trading in woollen products grew more and more common. Such products were valued for their high quality, comfort and warmth.

It wasn't until the middle of the twentieth century that wool started to lose its value. With man-made replacements being found, demand for woollen produce was falling.

In recent years there has been something of a comeback, with wool providing a renewable source of clothing and with more people seeing the value in traditional items and their production.

A Brief History of Woollen Clothing

An alternative to sheep's wool, is possum wool, as Keith Barrett found out. This article may be published on any website but this resource box must be included in full. The author retains all copyright.

วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Real Cost of Fast Fashion

Fast fashion is a term that is regularly used and connected with the negative environmental and ethical aspects of the fashion industry. Recently, there has been an increased interest on the environmental impacts of our consumer behaviour. What is fast fashion and what are it's environmental impacts?

Fast Fashion is term used to describe the cheap high fashion clothing, usually sold by high street retailers. Traditionally retailers would tend to stock new trends or lines each season, with fast fashion, they stock new trends each or even week. This change is consumer buying behaviour is driven by both the reduction in the price of clothing and increased marketing of new trends and fashions. Fast fashion clothes are generally only worn a few times before being replaced by the latest trend.


The environmental impacts of fast fashion are well reported with the green house gas emissions, chemical pollution and landfill waste all being key issues. The growth of cotton, the most widely used natural fibre uses huge amounts of chemicals that are damaging to the health of the workers, the surrounding environment. Synthetic fibres like polyester which are regularly used for making 'fast fashion' clothes, require the use of vast amounts of petro chemicals and releasing all sorts of polluting chemicals that also present health risks for workers in the industry and those living in the vicinity. The manufacture of most textiles is an energy intensive process, this combined with the transport of textiles of products around the world produces even more green house gas emissions.

As if that wasn't enough, there is also the problem of disposing of unwanted clothing. Landfill in the UK is a huge problem with textiles accounting for an estimated 30% of UK landfill waste each year. Synthetic textiles simply stay in the system and do not break down naturally. Even natural textiles pollute water systems with chemicals and dyes that are washed out by rain water. They also produce methane, a powerful greenhouse gas as they breakdown.

Recycling of clothing is a great idea but the quality of many fast fashion items makes them less desireable second hand. In March last year Allan Wheeler of the textile recycling association reported in the House of Lords on how "the quality of the clothing that is coming through to our members is on the decline, which makes it harder to reuse".

Whilst there are a variety of eco textiles and brands with excellent environmental credentials now available, it is consumer behaviour that will need to change in order to reduce the impact of fashion and clothing on the environment. Fashion retailers are primarily led by customer demand and will change their products and marketing strategies in response to a change in consumer behaviour. We are starting to see a move in the right direction with key retailers such as Marks and Spencer's and Next all stocking organic and eco lines.

How to change from fast fashion to sustainable style

- Choose clothes in classic styles that will last more than one season
- Store clothes carefully to make them last, where possible, mend and repair instead of replacing them.
- Swap your second hand clothing at a swishing party or on a clothes swapping website
- Develop your own style, instead of following the latest trends.
- Buy vintage or second hand clothes
- Read fashion and style blogs for inspiration on timeless style
- Update last years look by adding a few accessories to your existing wardrobe rather than replacing everything.

The Real Cost of Fast Fashion

This article was written by Ceri Heathcote for posh-swaps.com, a website for swapping, buying and selling second hand and vintage clothing.

Clothes swap and buying and selling second hand clothes is a great way to reduce the impact of fashion on the environment and to save money.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Indian Handicrafts

Ancient Designs
In ancient times, artists came up with the designs and patterns, then workmen with immense skills crafted them into temples and objects. Before that, the master craftsman would outline details of shape, colour and proportion of the design. Then each specialist craftsman would be assigned his own specialised part of the design. These ideas of designs were under the huge influence of local and Persian cultures. And this can be reflected in many Indian carpets, textiles and stone inlays.

Origin of handicrafts tools
The beginning of the historic handicraft originated from when the Stone Age Man started using hammer stones to make smaller tools. Today, tools used by craftsmen are the same as those used in ancient India. The skills were passed on from generations to generations except that the purpose of such craftsmanship in the past was solely for survival.


Indian Textiles
The skill of weaving has at least 5000 years of history in India. In fact, Indians started their textile exports as early as the second century B.C. Evidence of this can be found in the tombs of Fostat in Egypt. In the 13th century, textiles were used to barter fro herbs and spices in the western countries. Before machines were introduced, khadi, a kind of hand-woven and hand-spun fabric was very popular.

Indian Carpets
The history of Indian carpets can be traced back to 500 B.C. But it started to gain its popularity since 16th century in the reign of Akbar when he led some carpet weavers from Persia to India. At that time, wool and silk were the two materials used and floral, animals and geometric patterns were common. During Jahangir's reign (1556-1605), silk and pashima were used so that more knots could be woven making it more smooth and designs were more naturalistic. During Shahjahan's reign (1628-1658), an even higher quality of carpets was reached allowing 2000 knots per inch giving the carpet a velvet texture. Now flowers were the mainstream design. However, from 1658 onwards, all crafts in India faced a crisis except carpet craft. Due to its religious and daily use in India, this is the only craft survived the difficult times.

Indian Handicrafts

This article was produced by Asia Dragon. Visit us at www.asiadragon.co.uk where you will find authentic Oriental furniture, including Indian furniture, Chinese furniture plus Oriental rugs, soft furnishings and home décor ideas. Our Asian furniture and home furnishings are available in both traditional & contemporary styles. We also feature calligraphy, Chinese art and ornaments, Chinese dresses, fashion accessories, and Japanese kimonos.

วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Bamboo Bedroom Furniture

Bamboo bedroom furniture is a great way to add texture, style, and comfort to a bedroom. Bamboo is a environmentally friendly building material that is both durable and lightweight. This makes bamboo bedroom furniture a great option for people who like to rearrange their living space frequently, or even for kids. Bamboo bedroom furniture includes items like bamboo nightstands, bamboo bed frames, bamboo vases, bamboo picture frames, bamboo headboards, bamboo fans, and bamboo lights.

In addition to bamboo bedroom furniture, bamboo fiber can also be used to create soft and luxurious textiles. These textiles can then be woven into bedding and draperies. Some examples of bamboo textiles that can be used in a bedroom include: bamboo fiber pillows, bamboo duvet covers, and bamboo sheets.


To care for your bamboo bedroom furniture you will need to treat it just like it was a wood product. It will need to be coated with a stain or sealant to protect it from dust and moisture. Also you will want to avoid pushing this furniture up against sharp edges as this could gauge the bamboo and chip away the protective coating.

You will need to take special precautions and maintenance steps when caring for your bamboo bedroom textiles. First you don't want to throw your bamboo textiles in with your normal laundry. Instead wash it separately on a delicate cycle. Don't use bleach or fabric softener as these will damage your bamboo fibers. If you notice loose threads cut them off of your textile to prevent unraveling and further snagging.

Bamboo Bedroom Furniture

Bamboo, a vital building tool that grows 10 times faster than trees, is an increasing popular choice of furniture in America's home. Learn more about bamboo furniture and decor at Bamboo Furniture Etc. - your source for bamboo patio furniture, cutting boards, decorative oriental fans, contemporary Japanese bedroom set, bamboo gates and fencing as well as towels, rugs and blinds. For more on Asian culture and tradition check out Japanese sandals.

วันพุธที่ 11 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Natural Fibers - The Beginning of Textiles

When early humankind needed warmth and protection for their bodies, what did they use? Animal hides, grasses, bark and other plant material fashioned into crude garments most likely. When was it discovered that fibers from plants and animals could be fashioned into something much more flexible, versatile, and attractive? When was cloth invented? There is much scientific and archaeological inquiry devoted to trying to answer that question. As for the fibers themselves? There are four main types of natural fibers used in the creation of fabric and textiles; flax, cotton, wool and silk.

Most historians are in agreement that the first fiber used for the making of textiles came from the flax plant. The fibers in the stem of the plant are removed, cleaned, and woven together to make linen. Flax fibers were use to make linen over 5,000 years ago, and was of such value that it was used for burial shrouds for Egyptian Pharaohs. The Egyptians mastered the art of making fine linen, as some linen items found in tombs have threads so fine that they were woven 200 to the inch.


There is archaeological evidence that dates to 3,000 years ago concerning the growing of cotton in the Indus River Valley region of Pakistan, and the use of it in making cloth to make apparel from. It was also being used in ancient Egypt. It is believed that cotton was brought to Europe around 800 from Arab merchants. The invention of the cotton gin in the late 18th century combined with the dawn of the industrial revolution to help create inexpensive textiles.

Wool is one of the most versatile fibers known. It can be used to produce very lightweight fabric to thick, heavy fabric. The oldest documented piece of wool textile was found in a bog in Denmark that dates to 1500 B.C.E. The ancestor of the domesticated sheep had long coarse hair that protected a short under layer of fleece. It is this short under layer that is used in the production of wool textiles. Careful breeding has lead to over 40 different varieties of sheep used in the production of wool that utilize that soft under layer. Wool has unique properties of water repelling and water absorption that no man made fiber has been able to duplicate. Wool remains a versatile and much-used fiber for all kinds of apparel and other applications.

The beginnings of silk is wrapped in the legend of The Goddess of Silk, the wife of the mythical Yellow Emperor of China, who is credited for introducing silk to China over 5,000 years ago. Silk is derived from the cocoon of a specific type of worm, and the documented evidence of an unearthed silkworm cocoon found in Northern China dates to around 2600 B.C.E. The cocoon of the silkworm consists of one continuous filament that can be 1,800 to 2,700 feet long. This filament is carefully unraveled from the cocoon and placed on a spool. A number of these filaments (usually five to eight) are spun together to create a single silk thread. The silk thread is then woven into textiles. Clothing made from silk has the ability to be warm in cool weather, and cool in hot weather.

The historically recent creation of man-made fibers has not eliminated the use of natural ones. Natural fibers have qualities that have not been duplicated. After more than 5000 years, humans still want and enjoy the warmth of wool, the feel of cotton, the characteristics of linen and the beauty of silk.

Natural Fibers - The Beginning of Textiles

Alan Beggerow is a free lance writer. Visit his writing services website, Ghostwriter, at http://www.ghostwriterboo.blogspot.com

วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Role of HRD in Textile Sector

The advent of technological advancement in industrial set-ups has altered the working conditions and requirements on the part of employees and employers. Also the changes in government policies have also been taken place since the last decade. Different work patterns like night shift, part time work, overtime, etc is being experienced. The situation is same in textile sector also.

Now-a-days the recruitment of the workforce has become a specialized field. The main motive is skill development as technical jobs are becoming more complex and demand more professional skill. As at managerial and marketing level, skills and knowledge demand have increased in importance. So before imparting training with respect to textile or garment industry the training program should be so designed that it covers the skills that will be required in long term and short term basis.


Many countries of the world have understood the importance of human resource development, thus encourages the business organizations to take active part in designing and execution. The changing face of business organizations in national and international markets demands a new breed of skills that are non-technical in nature.

Generally, when some new skills are to be taught to upgrade the ongoing work profile, on the job training and special course classes could be arranged to upgrade the employee's skills and knowledge. But after a certain level, the recruitment of higher posts requiring specialized skills are done through direct recruitment method. If the employers wish to extent the contribution of laborers in growth in textile industry, then the laborers should be given technical as well as non-technical training to enhance their skills and knowledge base.

HR inference

Introduction of new technologies and processes in the textile industry have increased productivity on the one hand, but had been the cause of redundancy and eventual retrenchment for a lot of workers who used to work in repetitive, boring but labor intensive job in this particular sector. This condition is happening not only in developing countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. but in industrialized countries as well, which were able to increase productivity through developments in technology.

With the technological advancement in the textile industry the overall production with higher quality is been seen, due to usage of high end machineries and technologies it has been a witnessed that the number of workers employed in the textile sector are facing job-loses. This scenario is same in developed as well as developing nations where there is increased productivity due to advanced technology, but cut in the number of laborers.

There are four elements of production namely manpower, time, materials and machines. Due to globalization seen in the textile industry out of these four elements of production, the two viz. manpower and time are to be cut down, i.e. sacrificed as the invent of improved machines and the cost of materials.
Due to the modern HR practices are affected by terms such as multiskilled, production measures, advantages of competition, casual labor, social security, subcontracting, etc. Now-a-days a lot depends on the bargaining power of the labor, legal policies and the scenario of the labor market. This has started since the foundation of WTO (World trade organization).

Human resource development

Textile industry gives employment to millions of people. In order to recruit skilled workforce in textile sector, proper training programmes would thus facilitate in supply of well qualified workforce. Thus the role of HRD has gained momentum in terms of employing manpower that satisfies the professional requirements of this sector and that is well skilled. Thus many collaboration among many multinational companies and educational institutions is been observed.

The HRD department of any company is responsible recruiting skilled labors and executives, allocation and planning of work, monitoring of workforce and performance appraisal. It is also responsible to timely upgradation of skills of the workforce by organizing educative professional workshops or seminars. If HRD activities are carried out in proper professional manner it could result into minimization of cost and wastage, right recruitment of workforce, increased stability of the company, flexible enough to cope up with futuristic developments and most important maximizes production.

Human Resource in textile sector

The advent of HR practices in textile sector was rather slow in comparison to other industrial sectors. But due to globalization there is increase in competition as a result development of human resource has become essential. However organized HR practices are being adopted mostly by the mill sector. In last decade we have seen not so good performance by textile sector, this was because of lack of HRD department in many mills. But the scenario has changed as HRD departments have taken up their role in textile sectors. Various training programmes pertaining to training of workforce, textile related topics have helped in enhancing the overall performance of the textile companies.

In order to get increased productivity from workforce it is essential to have a well framed HRD system in the organization. If the principles of HRD are adopted it could result in decrease in non-attendance by 20% and increase in productivity by 30%. So to cope up with the market competition HRD is very essential element for the textile industry.

HRD department is responsible for developing the feeling of motivation in the employees, this motivation in other words is the commitment of the employees towards the job and the organization. When the work of HRD is done effectively it would result into co-operation among team members, demolition of centralized system of decision making, creates homely environment, feeling of ownership and positive working atmosphere.

Role of HRD in Textile Sector

Fibre2fashion.com-Best B2B Marketplace of Textile, Apparel & Fashion Industry. It provides free online Industry News, Industry articles, Textile Fashion Jobs, Trade directory, Trade Leads, Marketwatch Report, , World Trade fairs Directory, Stocklots Business Offers etc.

If you wish to download/republish the above article to your website or newsletters then please include the "Article Source”. Visit us at http://www.fibre2fashion.com/industry-article/. Also, you have to make it hyperlinked to our site.

Copyright © 2006

วันพุธที่ 4 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Buy Textiles - Few Factors to Keep in Mind

Textiles are essential in many industries, most especially in fashion. Every season, new things come and so everything changes and adds up to adapt for the increasing demands of the end-users. For a fashion company and other established businesses and organizations, to source and buy its textiles in Bangladesh is the best option for the business.

First and foremost, the garment industry in Bangladesh is one of the topnotch in the world and they do provide a lot of goods for many known brands around the world. It is essential for them to provide quality work. Even in textile service, Bangladesh is at the top of its game for providing textiles for many kinds of businesses like hospitals and restaurants as well as housekeeping. The diversity of their service is wide but the quality always meets the standards.


Textiles from Bangladesh go through stringent quality control processes to ensure their durability, luxurious quality as well as great value. The quality in Bangladesh competes well with those found in local facilities of other countries. When it comes to the construction, they also offer a variety to keep up with the changing demands for trends as well as styles.

Why should you buy textile from Bangladesh? It is simple; you buy from Bangladesh because you only seek quality that meets the global standards for textiles and the very critical eye for detail of many companies. Buying textiles from this country is a real investment for a business because they have established themselves as an important and towering industry for garments and textiles and you would never ask for anything but for another shipment of great and beautiful textiles from Bangladesh.

Buy Textiles - Few Factors to Keep in Mind

Find out more information on finding Textile From Bangladesh.

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Tribal Textile's Great Beauty

Textiles have a long tradition in the world. Indian tribal textiles are one of the oldest in the world, dating back to the Indus Valley civilization. One of the early parts of the Veda, the Rigveda, mentions textiles and weaving. There were a great variety of different textiles in Indian epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana, which indicates the importance that they have in Indian culture. These epic stories talk about the clothing that was worn by the common people and the aristocrats as well. Exporting Indian tribal textiles was a very common topic in Indian writings, too. The Vijayanaga Empire of 1504 A.D. considered textiles to be a very important part of their lives. The weather, social habits, geography and more defines the look of Indian tribal textiles through their design and great beauty.

Trading textiles as very common between India and other countries in the ancient world. The Romans enjoyed the silk that was woven by the Indians during the Christian era. Egyptians enjoyed the many different cottons textiles, even as early as the 5th century A.D. Small remnants of the textiles were found in Egyptian tombs. Indonesia was a frequent customer for the silk textiles from south India in the 13th century. Other customers for Indian textiles include Muslims from Bengal and the British East India Company who traded silk and cotton textiles. You can still see the same attention to detail and high quality that was found during these periods in the designs, techniques, and patterns of the textile weavers. India has traded to countries across the world and this has helped to build the rich tradition that they have now.


Indian tribal textiles have been traded and exported to countries all around the world. There is quite a large variety of different textiles that are offered to countries, including kitchen and table linens, wall hangings, sheets and bed linens, curtains, handbags, designer shoes, and more. There are many different techniques that the different weavers use that have created these many textiles including hand block printing, Chanderi, Bandhani, Tie-Dye, Batik, and more that help to give the pieces additional visual interest and appeal that causes them to be popular with people all over the world. The old and rich traditions of Indian tribal textiles have helped to add to their modern expansion and style. The great style and design of Indian tribal textiles have remained strong for thousands of years. Their future will remain strong and beautiful.

Tribal Textile's Great Beauty

Adam Peters is a consultant who writes on many consumer topics for http://www.home-decorating-reviews.com Find more publications about tribal textiles at his website.

วันเสาร์ที่ 30 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Souvenir Shopping - Buying Carvings, Textiles, and Baskets in Kenya and Tanzania

Souvenirs and memories go hand in hand and collecting something unique from every country that you visit is a memorable and pleasurable experience. Travelers will find many souvenirs to take because the entire continent of Africa is a rich wealth of handicrafts.

Here are some unique things that you can pick up from Kenya and Tanzania on your trip. Always keep your shopping in such a way so that you can easily pack your bags and get back with minimal baggage.


In Kenya and Tanzania, the best things to pick up are small artifacts and wooden carvings made out of ebony. The local people make small wooden carvings of the animals that inhabit the continent and these are unique in their own way. The Makonde carvings are famous worldwide and they are made by the Masai Mara tribe. You can get several household things like candle sticks, pepper shakers, knife holders, paper weights, cups and plates, spoons, and also wooden chalices. These people are excellent with their hands and are skilled craftsmen. Things carved in ebony that are small and can cost you little more, but if you are planning to buy a large item, then you will have to shell out several hundreds of dollars.

The Wakamba tribe from Mombassa also has specialty carvings and they make a huge variety of carvings. The main type of wood that is used for the carvings are ebony and mahogany. Other items you can consider picking up are blankets that are hand embroidered, printed clothes, kaftans, scarves, traditional baskets and beaded jewelry.

Souvenir Shopping - Buying Carvings, Textiles, and Baskets in Kenya and Tanzania

About Author:
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in the traveling industry. She also offers top quality articles like :
South Africa Traditional Foods, Ancient Egypt Gods

วันศุกร์ที่ 29 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Antimicrobial in Textile Industry

As far as health-related professions are concerned, protection from pathogens is a growing concern, and textiles with antimicrobial properties are becoming more desirable. Fungi or similar other insects are responsible for lethal infections and allergic reactions. Despite the production of antimicrobial textile products; three inherent problems remain:

* Demonstration of efficacy,


* Claiming efficacy in a manner that does not invite legal challenge and,

* Maintaining efficacy over the lifetime of the textile and through generations of microbial challenges.

These problems might be restated as how to test and present the results of the testing, how to make the effect durable, and how to avoid microbial resistance to the treatment. These problems combine so that in spite of the obvious commercial and advertising potential, effective, durable, inexpensive, and safe biocidal textiles are not widely available in the market. It is of note that one promising compound which has been appearing commercially in a variety of products has just encountered its first resistant organism
Antimicrobial Technologies in Textiles:

Whether the performance or technical fabric is ultimately used outdoors, indoors, or on the body challenges such as microbial control, moisture management, odor control, elasticity, and even softness are prevalent. These challenges offer new opportunities to wisely seek technologies to address those needs whether you are looking for a single or combination of features.

This discussion will address the considerations important in choosing the right finishes for your customers performance needs, i.e. durability, ease of application, safety, and ultimate end-use performance requirements. Consumers needs drive the product value chain and features of value make the margin difference for marketplace success.

The inherent properties of the textile fibres provide room for the growth of micro-organisms. Besides, the structure of the substrates and the chemical processes may induce the growth of microbes. Humid and warm environment still aggravate the problem. Infestation by microbes cause cross infection by pathogens and development odour where the fabric is worn next to skin. In addition, the staining and loss of the performance properties of textile substrates are the results of microbial attack. Basically, with a view to protect the wearer and the textile substrate itself antimicrobial finish is applied to textile materials.

Historical Account:

During World War II, when cotton fabrics were used extensively for tentage, tarpaulins and truck covers, these fabrics needed to be protected from rotting caused by microbial attack. This was particularly a problem in the South Pacific campaigns, where much of the fighting took place under jungle like conditions. During the early 1940 s, the US army Quartermaster Crops collected and compiled data on fungi, yeast and algae isolated from textiles in tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world. Cotton duck, webbing and other military fabrics were treated with mixtures of chlorinated waxes, copper and antimony salts that stiffened the fabrics and gave them a peculiar odour. At the time, potential polluting effects of the application of, these materials and toxicity-related issue were not a major consideration. After World War II, and as late as the mid-to-late 1950.s fungicides used on cotton fabrics were compounds such as 8-hydroxygiunoline salts, copper naphthenate, copper ammonium fluoride and chlorinated phenals.

What Are Microbes?

Microbes are the tiniest creatures not seen by the naked eye. They include a variety of micro-organisms like Bacteria, Fungi, Algae and viruses. Bacteria are uni-cellular organisms which grow very rapidly under warmth and moisture. Further, sub divisions in the bacteria family are Gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus), Gram negative (E-Coli), spore bearing or non spore bearing type. Some specific types of bacteria are pathogenic and cause cross infection. Fungi, molds or mildew are complex organisms with slow growth rate. They stain the fabric and deteriorate the performance properties of the fabrics. Fungi are active at a pH level of 6.5. Algae are typical micro organisms which are either fungal or bacterial. Algae require continuous sources of water and sun light to grow and develop darker stains on the fabrics

Copyright © 2008

Antimicrobial in Textile Industry

Read more on Antimicrobial products

Fibre2Fashion.com-Leading B2B Portal and Marketplace of Global Textile, Apparel Fashion & Retail Industry, Also Provides complete information on Textile Dyeing Market through Articles, News and Events.

วันพุธที่ 27 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Decorating Your Bedroom in Different Way

In these hectic days, you look up to the bedroom at the end of the work. This is the place, which always gives comfort to a disturbed mind and body. Bedroom is a place where you look forward to relaxing. No place gets as private as your bedroom. Therefore, you can get any type of designing and decorating for yourself. You are free to choose your own textiles, your own combination of the color-scheme and the furniture.

If you like to go for some excitement, then you can choose the hot colors like red, turquoises, or brown. These have an elegant look when coupled with accessories in white. On the other hand, if you want to have tranquility then the best shades would be light green and blue. However, these colors can have a wintry look. So, again go back to the warmer looking colors to set the tone right. While doing this let the cloth items in your bedroom are of such colors.


As far as the natural colors are concerned, light brown and cream colors can really do the job for you. You can add more to it by having some wooden items and item that are green in color. This can give you the perfect balance between natural and the modern accessories.

Some of us are more 'bold'. These people can go with paints like yellow strips and red boxes. Intense pink is also preferable for this type of appeal. However, do not forget that a bedroom is a place to relax, a place where you should feel quiet and away from the world. A bedroom is a place where you should feel secluded to get a good time's rest. Therefore, do not try to get too bold with colors at least in this room of your house.

There are some other aspects too which you need to pay attention while decorating your bedroom. These can be the furniture, textiles, and accessories. Let us get to these one by one. Textiles are the core of a bedroom. Your bedspreads, curtains, pillow covers, cushions, carpets etc. reflect your attitude. So, choose your textiles wisely. You should be so cozy that you will want to get into them moment you see them. There are items available in the market that will not only give you the comfort, but also the luxury of owning them.

Second in this list is the furniture. Other than the textiles, it is the furniture that you use the most.
What will be the place of your footwear, clothing - formal or causal, and other useful items, but in the cupboards of your bedroom? If you get custom furniture intelligently made, you can store all the things in the least possible space. You can also exercise your own creative skills if you want the furniture your own way.

Finally, what accessories you add to your bedroom is equally important. Mirrors, candles smartly placed to reflect the light could add to the atmosphere. Custom made throwaway boxes can help in storing the trash. In addition, if you are environment-aware use eco-friendly items.

Decorating Your Bedroom in Different Way

Terrys Fabrics specialize in the distribution of blinds, roller blinds, roman blinds and Vertical Blinds within the UK.

วันอังคารที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Apparel And Textile

Today, we are living in the 21st century. In the modern era, soothing and contemporary clothes or dresses have become the essential part of fashion. This is the reason textiles and apparel industries are getting popular and manufacturing innovative range of clothes like trousers, shirts, T-shirts, skirts, mini skirts, top, jeans, silk saree, Egyptian silk saree, woven silk saree, handmade silk sarees, kaanchi silk saree, hand woven silk saree, Indian silk saree, bridals silk saree, embroidered silk saree, kundan saree, gold embroidered silk saree, fancy silk saree, wedding silk saree, georgette saree, party wears, embroidered garments, night suits, gowns, etc as per the market trend. With the passage of time this industry has gained popularity and engaged in producing beautiful colored, designed and eye-catching clothes.

In fact, 'Apparel and Textiles' covers closely the textiles industries that produce yarn, thread, fabric and a comprehensive variety of other textiles products to be used by individuals and businesses. Some of the products manufactured in this industry include household items that comprises of carpets and rugs; towels, curtains, and sheets; cord and twine; furniture and automotive upholstery; industrial belts and fire hoses. It has created a niche across the globe. Because fashion has added new wings to it, this industry is seeing a bloated expansion everyday. If we analyze the presence of this industry in present context, we will find that manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of textiles or clothes are expanding their business at large. And this is all because of new trends in fashion.


Due to new trends and fashions in this sphere, textile and apparel industries are rapidly modernizing and adopting state-of-the-art machineries and market strategies for the promotion of produced products. Keeping in mind the new fashions and trends, such kind of products are manufactured by them. However this industry is transforming very fast, and no doubt that it will be the prominent upcoming markets worldwide. This market has never shown any sign of slump. This industry is continuously developing cutting edge products. For an instance some companies are producing textiles developed from fibers that are made of recycled materials. They are using modern technologies and machineries for increasing their production and fulfilling the demands of customers. Computer-controlled equipment aid in many functions, such as design, pattern making, and cutting. Efficient machineries and designers are the integral part of these industries. Apparel and textile industries always endeavor to produce splendid range of clothes or products with attractive designs and shapes

Apparel And Textile

You Can Get Information About Exporters and Suppliers of Textile and Textile Accessories From The Following URL: http://www.tradeget.com/companies/C2/apparel_textile_and_accessories.html

วันจันทร์ที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

The Birth of Pot Holders

A pot holder is used to protect a non-fireproof surface against a hot kitchen crockery or used to hold hot pots to avoid burning the hands. They are an item that many of us take for granted in the kitchen until we cannot find them when needed. Some holders are largely decorative, but most are made of dense fabrics having a heat protective layer. Felted wool or other natural textiles can work very well to protect hands or tables also. Weaving holders is a popular craft with a rich history.

The birth of the first holder dates back to time immemorial when man first discovered fire and realized that if touched with bare hands, it could cause severe burns to the skin. Initially, animal hides were brought to use as simple pot holders to transfer hot earthen pots from the kitchen to the eating place. Decades later, the animal hides were replaced by rags and torn out clothing materials for serving.


Pioneers of the early ages discovered that quilting blocks could be used as handy and much more presentable holders. By the 1920s, the rags were replaced by flimsy textiles made with knitted lace, making them very similar to the flapper dresses of that era. In the 1930s, pot holders were crocheted and designed whimsically with animals, faces, flowers, fruits, leaves and even cars. Soon after, by the 1940s, towels, tablecloths, curtains, canisters and aprons also evolved in to the matching set with them. Now, the women were spending more and more time thinking of decorative ideas about their everyday kitchen items.

Replicating the idea of protecting the hands against burns, aprons were also introduced into the kitchen world in the 1950s. Women enthusiastically knitted, crocheted, decorated, quilted, embroidered, and sewed stunningly creative, but sometimes quirky, pot holders and aprons. They were found to follow directions found in women magazines during that era. However, many created their own designs. In course of time, holders began to evolve with speed and many new and safer textiles were introduced. They were even decorated for various holidays and seasons. Around the mid 1960s, handfuls of holders were found in every kitchen and linen closet.

However, these handy cloth-made holders lost their charm in the following years by considerable amounts. Safety with burns was implemented in almost all kitchen equipments especially in pressure cookers, hot pans and tea pots, making pot holders unnecessary in cooking safety. Instead, nowadays, silicone is being used for all sorts of kitchen implements, including pot holders because a silicone holder provides excellent protection for the counter or hand, can be stored in a small amount of space and cleaned in the dishwasher. But, in recent years, pot holders have become very popular with antique collectors. They are acquiring all vintage aprons and hot pot holders, framing them and selling for huge prices. They are unique mostly because of their handmade creativity and design. They no more are a set of overlooked kitchen items as they make a re-appearance as memoirs of the past of kitchens, adding a nostalgic feeling, plus a touch of whimsy to kitchens everywhere.

The Birth of Pot Holders

Pot Holder - It's a Useful Item for Homeowners!

วันศุกร์ที่ 15 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Cusco and Puno Handicrafts

A visit to Peru will demonstrate the great assortment of crafts and textiles, many of which come from the Cusco and Puno highlands. They are the result of centuries of historical development, with pre-Hispanic shapes abounding in combination with other symbols brought over by the Spaniards. Peruvian crafts and textiles have a unique and complex identity with a touch of innocence in their native art.

Styles of Pottery Design in Cusco and Puno


The works of Peruvian artisans display weaving with a harmony of geometric designs, the cultural elements blending with the retalbo boxed scenes, miniature pictures of peasant life on carved gourds. Sculptures produced include stone, wood and gold and silver relics as well as many forms of pottery. The Inca tradition has heavily influenced the pottery of Cusco. The Inca Renaissance was a movement that helped to revitalize Cusco art and resulted in a great many pieces of pottery, including flower motifs, dishes and a variety of types of crockery. Another style of Cusco pottery is known as the grotesque tradition, a design created by Eriberto Merida and derived from the figurines in Quinua pottery. This style tends to display rough characters such as peasants and picture of Christ with facial features that are deformed and hands that are over sized.

A Load of Bull

One of Peru's most well-known pieces of pottery that is created by the artisans of Puno is a ceramic bull. It originated as a sacramental element during the branding of cattle ceremony. Shaped as a flask, the bull figure was used to hold something known as chiha, a mixture of the blood of cattle, which was then drunk by the high priest conducting the ceremony. Churches, country chapels and homes are also created by Puno potters and their humble designs are typically covered by a white glaze. In addition, potters include figurines and designs depicting dancers, musicians and different types of flora and fauna from the area around Lake Titicaca.

Textiles of Cusco and Puno

An important source of income for many mountain communities, including Cusco and nearby markets such as Pisac and Chinchero is the production of textiles. In these areas can be found a great number of weaving cooperatives and exhibitions of native textiles. Weavers have been creating textiles for many generations. The region from which the textile comes plays a large part in the color and quality of the designs and defining a personal and community identity.

The weaving display symbols that are visual metaphors of the relationship between the spiritual and world and the Quecha people. Cusco textiles are primary woven by hand from the wool of alpaca or sheep. The process starts with the yarn being spun by hand on drop-spindles and then colored using natural dyes from extracts from plants, insect larvae or mineral oxides. A loom is then used to weave. It may take up to several months to produce larger items such as shawls or ponchos. The weavers more often than not sell their pieces directly to the public, giving them an opportunity to discuss the significance of the design and symbolism and for the buyer to praise the work.

Each textile is a unique and beautifully made item and purchasing such textiles directly from the community serves to help the local economy and preserve local self-esteem as well as contribute to a tradition and culture that has remained unchanged for hundreds of years. If you are on a trip to Peru, be sure to include a visit to a handicrafts market in either the Cusco or Puno region to be amazed by the cultural legacy on display, and even have a chance to take a piece of it home with you.

Cusco and Puno Handicrafts

Gary Sargent is the Managing Director of the tour companies Escaped to Peru and Escaped to Latin America and has lived in South America for over 10 years. Gary is passionate about life here, the people, customs and places. Visit Gary's website for more Latin America travel advice or to book Latin American vacations.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Asian Import - The Impact of Asian Imports On Global Trade

We are living in a community currently wherein practically all merchandise in our dwellings, around the street, and in each corporate office are a China import. Just how many objects have you seen with the "Made in China" tag on it? Even when it is a device North american retailers are selling, you may find that the production of the goods was executed offshore in China.

Enormous amounts of Chinese individuals are gainfully employed nowadays, because of the growth of business enterprise across the earth. Businesses from international locations have discovered an abundant supply of employees they can outsource their work to.


Just what are some samples of typical China import items?
- Plastic materials
- Textiles
- Cloth
- Agricultural equipment
- Cooking ingredients (spices or herbs)
- Consumer electronics
- Kitchen goods
- Raw products for engineering
- Produce (fresh fruits and vegetables)

This list is in no way exhaustive, but it is a sign of your diverse makeup of China import market segments. You name it, there are suppliers in China for it.

The ability to practice marketplace buying and selling with China is incredibly essential to the prosperity with the entire world. If China were to go into economic downturn, the results for this could be suffered all over the rest from the globe.

And that may be incredibly true. Do you understand that if 1 day, China was to reduce the exporting of items to nations within the worldwide marketplace, the whole entire world would be affected? Several locations across the globe have grown completely dependent upon China import solutions to be able to retain their top quality of life.

And that may be why you'll see that the international network should tread very carefully to preserve manageable interactions using the Chinese language.

This of course isn't a terrible thing for Chinese suppliers, vendors, or wholesale distributors at all. On the flip side, a sudden halt in sales of deliveries to overseas buyers offshore would spell financial devastation for China as well. Trade embargoes with China would not be a wise strategy under any instances!

Many top financial specialists pointing to industry research, reviews and movements have observed that we are actually in a new financial bubble: Right now is the moment with the prominence of China import along with export market activities.

Without a doubt, China has obtained a leadership role as an economical powerhouse. China outperforms especially North America as the globe innovator concerning the volume of solutions other countries are importing from them.

So now may be a good time for ambitious entrepreneurs to actually do something and begin earning some considerable profits, benefiting from the thriving Chinese language economic climate. Maybe you'll be able to discover tips on how to start off your own personal China import / export enterprise.

Asian Import - The Impact of Asian Imports On Global Trade

Therefore, if you have been looking for additional resources with regards to China Import or you'd like to learn the ins and outs of managing an importing and exporting small business then go to www.importexporthomestudy.com and ask for the no fee insider report.