วันศุกร์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Sustainable Organic Textiles

In this article I have decided to look behind some of the hype about organic textiles and their sustainability and find the materials which are truly sustainable and eco friendly. Global awareness of the real price of clothing is growing and consumers are pushing for more eco friendly apparel. There are more reported cases of people experiencing health problems such as rashes, allergies, respiratory problems and difficulties with focusing mentally due to chemical sensitivities and many have found organic clothing to be helpful in reducing exposure to the vast amount of toxic chemicals we are unknowingly exposed to on a daily basis.



Cotton is a wonderful fibre for making clothes but it is now recognized that conventionally grown cotton causes great harm both to the environment and to workers with its extensive use of pesticides and insecticides which cause ill health to people coming into contact with the chemicals and widespread pollution by soaking into water tables. Organic cotton is grown without chemicals and therefore does no harm to either environment or workers but is necessarily more labour intensive and furthermore fields must be free of chemicals for three years before the crop can be certified organic. There have been huge global increases in the demand for organic cotton and the problem now facing farmers is producing enough to meet the demand. LaRhea Pepper of Organic Exchange says" In order to encourage long term economically sustainable sources of organic fibre we need to be willing to discuss and implement models that acknowledge the value of the product from the farm gate and continuing right down the supply chain".


Hemp really does seem to be one of the good guys. It has many excellent properties being environmentally positive with no need of pesticides and insecticides it actually improves soil where it is grown. It is drought resistant and can be grown in most climates. Textiles can also be processed from the fibrous stalks without the use of toxic chemicals and because it does not require high technology to process it is ideal to be processed locally increasing local employment and saving transport costs and pollution. Hemp has been used to make clothing for thousands of years and it is in recent times that it has become controversial. Cannabis is produced from hemp and growing hemp in the United States is illegal but it is produced in Europe and Asia and is now legal in Canada. It would seem a great pity not to utilize this highly sustainable textile.


Bamboo is a material whose luxurious softness has been compared to cashmere. As a plant it is fast growing and highly sustainable and is mainly naturally organic. It does not require replanting after harvest but will regenerate from its vast root structure. Bamboo helps to improve soil quality and helps rebuild eroded soil.

There are two ways of manufacturing bamboo mechanically or chemically. The mechanical way involves crushing the woody parts of the plant and then using natural enzymes to break it down into a mush so that the natural fibres can be mechanically combed out and spun into yarn. Bamboo produced by this method is sometimes called 'bamboo linen'. However very little bamboo linen is manufactured for clothing because this method is labour intensive and costly. Bamboo fabric for clothing is mainly produced by chemical manufacturing which involves cooking the leaves and shoots in strong chemical solvents sodium hydroxide and carbon disulfide in a process called hydrolysis alkalization combined with bleaching. Both these chemicals have been linked to health problems. Low levels can cause tiredness, headaches and nerve damage. Carbon disulfide has been blamed for neural disorders in workers at rayon manufacturers. Because of health problems associated with this manufacturing method and damage to the environment it is considered neither sustainable nor environmentally supportable. The good news is that other newer manufacturing methods have been developed and are more benign and environmentally friendly. Bamboo fabrics can be produced without any chemical additives but ensure that it is eco certified look for Oeko-Tex, Soil Association, SKAL, KRAV or similar organic or sustainable certification body.


This fabric is renowned for its softness, comfort, luster and drape combined with wash ability and durability. It is more expensive than organic cotton or hemp at this time and is seen as a new luxury product. One of the positives being talked about is the fact that the cloth is produced from a by product of food manufacturing of the Soya bean. Some Soya has organic certification but it is a small percentage.

My research did not lead me to anything very positive about the growing of soy but I fully acknowledge that there may be additional facts that I did not discover. Soy has been very aggressively grown with GM seeds in Argentina which has embraced GM culture. Crops were treated with glyphosphate during the growing season and a mono culture developed as other crops were driven off both by low prices and contamination from soy farmers spraying. New weeds resistant to glyphosphate are now prolific and further chemicals namely gramoxone(paraquat) and gesaprim(atrazine) have been introduced prior to planting. These practices are causing damage to stock and plants in neighbouring farms.In less than decade soya farming has driven people off the land, created serious ecological and agronomic imbalances, destroyed food security and led to dependence on technology controlled by a handful of multi national companies. I would suggest that before buying Soya fabrics it would be wise to check its credentials and whether it is certified organic.

Sustainable Organic Textiles

If you want to hear more about organic cotton visit http://www.sonesuk.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Eco-Trendy Green Gift Ideas

The trend towards a green lifestyle is one we can all live with. The eco-trendy shopper this year will be shopping for not only the right gift, but for something that's earth friendly too. This year there are some new exciting green gift ideas for everybody on the green gift shopping list.

This year bamboo is one of the hot new innovative resources being used to make an amazing variety of earth friendly products that make great green gifts for everyone on your gift list this year. For instance textiles: you probably wouldn't think so, but did you know that bamboo is incredibly soft? In fact it's softer than cotton! Bamboo has a luxurious feel against the skin. Not only do bamboo textiles feel silky soft, they look great, with a luxurious quality to them, even after repeated washings, they remain softer than the finest cotton towels. Also keep your eyes out for bamboo kitchen utensil sets, cutting boards and even furniture for the house.


What to look for in an eco-friendly gift.

  1. Is the gift appropriate for the person?
  2. Does the gift reduce energy consumption?
  3. Can the gift be re-used again and again replacing a disposable item?
  4. Can the gift be recycled or is it made of recyclable products?

Reducing energy use is a big part of living the green lifestyle. Smart green gift ideas that help save energy are a welcome gift for home owners. The new The Delta Water Amplifying Shower Head revolutionizes the showering experience. The dual-setting shower head offering a water-saving comfort spray of 1.85 gallons per minute, and a high-volume spray. The water-saving comfort spray setting operates at 1.85 gallons per minute, but thanks to the amplifying technology, you don't think you're sacrificing performance because it feels like the standard 2.5 gallons per minute water saving shower head. So you save water and energy. Programmable thermostats are another example of a green gift that reduces energy consumption. They give homeowners complete and accurate temperature control of their living environment. Typically installing a programmable thermostat is actually rather easy, and it can result in reducing home energy heating and cooling costs by as much as 35% and that's a significant savings of energy.

Books featuring earth-conscious tips are a thoughtful eco-friendly gift ideas too. There are a whole bunch of great green living books out this year from how to tips, to doing an eco-friendly home remodel, to educational arts and crafts projects for kids using earth friendly items natural from the house and garden.

If you hunt around a little you can even find a whole new world of earth friendly toys for kids including idibids the new line of plush characters for kids and role play toys from Green Toys including a very cute tea set.

Solar power is the way of the future and today you can power your entire home on energy rays from the sun but hooking someone up with a full solar energy array would be a bit eccentric, however there are lots of cool solar powered gifts for the home and garden that make an ideal green gift choice. The other day I found a solar powered gnome holding a lantern that's perfect for the garden. And there's a solar powered pool cleaner that works better than chlorine, or how about the solar powered fluorescent shed light that installs literally anywhere you want light.

Organic body care products are a nice gift choice for him or for her. They say you care because they are free from potentially dangerous chemicals and synthetic fragrances. Organic body care products are the all natural healthy alternative to the popular off the shelf bottles of chemicals they package up and market to the general public. They are available in an endless variety of delightful scents which are appropriate for men and women alike.

It's good to be an eco-trendy shopper and give green this year! Check-out the links below for more information.

Eco-Trendy Green Gift Ideas

Brandon is author of the popular Best Gift Ideas top ten list web page, and is introducing his new eco-friendly green gift ideas guide to earth friendly gift giving, featuring hundreds of gifts for everyone on your list, and an interactive top ten eco-trendy gifts poll.